Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to you MOMS.   
You are awesome simply because you are you! 

   I confess, I do not enjoy Mother’s Day all that much.  I was married at thirty and we tried for children right away.  We went through fertility treatments to no avail.  For twelve years well-meaning sister’s in Christ gave me a flower designated for actual mothers every Mother’s Day.  They would say something like, “I’m believing for you” with such great conviction.  Why didn’t they know I just wanted to fade into the wallpaper that day?

   At the end of twelve years I went on a mission trip and met my adopted son on the first day of camp.  I saw him and I felt, in my heart,  this is why I have not had children!  My son has been here the whole time!

   Well, that is not quite true.  He had not been in orphanage until just months before I felt a call to go to Ukraine with an organization, The Least of These.  I went to get over my spoiled American life, but I got so much more out of the deal.

   My son was nine when I met him.  As soon as we began steps toward international adoption, Ukraine closed down their adoption system to completely restructure it.  This took two years.  This broke my heart as we could have been caring for this child, meeting his basic needs and filling him with the love we had to give him.  We were not able to bring him home until he was nearly twelve. 

   These are the things I learned as a late-in-life mom of an older, foreign-adopted child. 

– God chose me to be his mom.

– Even with all my shortcomings, I was the mom God chose for him.  He knows the mistakes we will make as parents and yet He has a plan for their lives in spite of that.  Moms, let yourself off the hook a little bit.

– Even though I did my very best and we didn’t get the miracles of healing we had hoped for, his story is not finished yet. 

– God did not call me to be a perfect mom.  He called me to be his mom and trust Him with the rest.

– Though things don’t look the way I had hoped, God’s promises are still true.  Our son is now in his twenties.  He has had a hard road to walk.  He has met Jesus and he carries promises on his life.  I can release him to Jesus to fulfill His call on my son’s life. 
-Even though I will not hear from him on Mother’s Day, I know I was a good mom and I know I was the mom God made just for him.  God has said well done, because I gave Him and him my best.  God said, I am not finished yet.  God said, “I am preparing a testimony in him and it has nothing to do with you.” It is written, “God does not take away life, but plans ways so that the banished one will not be cast out from him” (2Samuel 14:14).  I read this scripture years ago and I know the Lord gave me a promise in it.

   Today I can enjoy Mother’s Day.  I enjoy the compliment God paid me to love one of His most precious children even if only for a little while.  I know it carries kingdom benefits.  I hope, if this day is difficult for you, you will find the silver lining – the thing you can celebrate, and focus on that good thing.   
   Whether you are a happy mother of children, a mother in crisis, or a mother in waiting, I celebrate you today.  For you are fierce!  No one can carry the things God has chosen to give you.  He can use whatever season you are in to mold you if you will let him.  My son gave me the gifts of spiritual growth, humility, patience, and so much more.  Without him I would not be the woman I am today – and I like her!

   Whatever you do and wherever you are at this Mother’s Day, I wish you joy as only the Lord can give.  I wish you peace in your circumstances as only the Lord can give.  Bless those women who have mentored you and given their time to you and be a woman who does the same for someone else.  This is where the victory lies. 

Bless your day.
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