Jacob’s Torn Garment

“So Jacob tore his clothes, and put sackcloth on his loins

and mourned for his son many days” (Gen 37:34).

   Torn clothing in this ancient culture was a sign of mourning.  Jacob tore his clothes upon his body and put sackcloth on to show his sullen state.  I have a friend who lost a sister to a tragedy and her comment to me was she wished we still wore black when in mourning so people would know and understand her mood.  I see this torn garment of Jacob’s and see something more.

   When the time of mourning was concluded, the sackcloth would be put away and the tear sown up.  What is interesting to me here is if one kept the same tunic for many years they would have many “scars” on their clothing. They would be wearing the scars of their emotional battles on the outside for all to see.  Everyone who saw them would know instantly how much they had sorrowed or suffered in their life and I believe it would change how they interact with them.

   If we know someone is in mourning, how do we treat them?  All of our needs, wants, and even agitations pale in comparison to someone’s grief.  We become somber alongside of them and compassion takes over.  We are gentle and we change our priorities to accommodate them.

   Just think what life would be like if we walked around in clothes which had been obviously torn and resewn multiple times.  We would know by the length of the “scars” how devastating their mourning had been.  We could tell by the age of the repair how fresh they still were and we would employ our ability to empathize and treat them with kindness. 

   What if others could see our sufferings?  Wouldn’t it be nice sometimes to have people understand our frailties without having to recount the pains?  Wouldn’t it be nice if we simply treated one another as being worthy of the gentleness and kindness which only comes through a relationship with Jesus? 

   Let’s challenge ourselves to see others with this in mind.  Remember, we each have a story.  We each have been torn and sewn up on many occasions in this life and there will be more to come.  If we will truly reap what we sow, then let us act with compassion in a world full of people who walk around with scars we cannot see.  Let us be the healing balm Jesus applies in each life and situation. 

“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved,

put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Col 3:12).
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