He Dwelt Among Us

We often hear, “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” around Easter time (Romans 5:8). Yes, it is Christmas, so why am I thinking about this scripture right now? How does this fit into the nativity narrative? You have probably heard the saying about Jesus coming as a babe under the shadow of the cross. The cross was always His highest purpose, but to get there He had to leave His glorified state and enter that of a humble babe subject to sinful man. (Philippians 2:5-8)

It struck me today, while we were still sinners He came as a babe – and lived among us “still sinners”. The greatest perfection, surrounded by the vilest of creatures. For thirty-three years He lived in our “still sinners” world among us and for us.

   There is a glorious painting on display at the Uffizi Museum in Florence, Italy. It is Botticelli’s San Barnaba Altarpiece. It depicts Mary holding baby Jesus with an angel to His left holding a crown of thorns and an angel to His right holding three nails. The painting beautifully depicts a depth of concern in their eyes and I was stunned when I saw it. I could have remained before it for hours, but in the pre-COVID crowds, it was not possible.

   I was struck by the understanding of His purpose in coming. This innocent Babe came with you and me in mind and His focus was always toward the crown and nails made by those who were “still sinners”. Yet there were thirty-three years in-between when He chose to live among us sinners. I am so grateful.

   While we were still sinners, He left heaven to come and live among us. He not only bore our sins on the cross. His love bore us on His shoulders, while still sinners. His love made a way for Him to leave the perfection of heaven, live in a mortal body, love fiercely those who could not yet love Him fully, and He bore with us sinners until the cross (Colossians 1:15-17; Philippians 2:5-8).

   This concept is astounding. His love for you and me overcame our sin not only at the cross but also as He lived among us. While we were still sinners, He loved us enough. He loved us despite our sin and drew us out to our higher calling and gave us a longing for salvation and righteousness. His love draws us.

He did not live among us and die for us to return to heaven where he could get his chalk out and keep track of our mistakes on His chalkboard in the sky. He is not tallying up our failures. He is celebrating our victories and leading us on to our next victory. He is for us and not against us and to think anything less is to pull Him down to our level.

   This Christmas, I release you from the need to self-abase and self-sabotage. I release to you the ability to run to Jesus expecting hugs and kisses instead of rods and demerits. He did not leave heaven’s perfection, live among us, die for us, and return to power and glory to give vent to His wrath over our “still sinners” state. He did it all to satisfy His wrath so we could be sinners no more!

   Where do you stand today? Have you unwrapped this gift fully or only just enough to get your foot in the door? Will you, this Christmas, fully receive what He has fully done for you? Will you rejoice knowing that though you (and I) are not perfected yet here on earth He is still among us and He sees us in our justified and sanctified state because He already paid the price? When you look at the Babe in the manger, thank Him for coming and thank Him for the gifts He has given, most wonderfully His presence with us who are being sanctified (Hebrews 10:14).

“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14a).

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  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my house to yours!

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