Parking Space of Blessing



   Yesterday I pulled into our local Fred Meyer store.  It is an all-in-one-stop shopping center in the Northwest.  It was a day filled with vacation travelers.  There were cars going all directions in the parking lot, so I took safe harbor in the first available parking space I saw.  It wasn’t a bad spot.  It was not in the first row by any means and there were no return-cart stands anywhere nearby, but it was fine as far as grocery store parking spaces go.

   I hadn’t eaten lunch yet and it was nearly two in the afternoon.  So I had driven through a fast-food chain on the way there and prepared to eat my lunch in the parking lot before going in to buy my groceries.  This is not something I do on a regular basis; however, it allowed me some people watching time – an I enjoy very much. 
   I watched as one of the really good spaces opened up and a young couple in a beat-up, broken-down, old car pulled into it with a certain amount of pleasure.  I mused at how we often take such pleasure in getting that perfect parking space. Yes, I do it, too.  We feel so special; like there is a divine providence looking out for us in that particular moment. 
   I thought about when we get the perfect parking spot just outside the door, just beyond the handicap spaces and we thank God for blessing us with a front row parking space.  We thank Him for treating us special, more special than anyone else in the parking lot at that moment.  Wow.  What a nice feeling.
   Then I began to realize how silly that was.  How often do we get that perfect parking space?  So we think God is blessing us just in those few times there is a parking space open in front of the doors?  I began to be moved to thank God for a parking space at all.  Then I began to thank Him that there was a store that I could drive my car to, to park at, and go in and shop for my every need and the money to pay for it.  I can buy medicine, camping equipment, office and art supplies, household, electronics, yard and garden supplies, and groceries.  When they are done with the remodel, I will again be able to buy clothes and shoes there, too! 
   Why are we so hung up on only feeling special or blessed when we get the front row parking space?  Why aren’t we feeling blessed or special that we have a car to drive to the store, for a parking lot to park in wherever our space may be, and for a store that sells virtually everything?  We don’t feel special, because we take the everyday blessings for granted.  We have made the everyday kindnesses of the Lord common and of no particular value.  We only feel blessed or special when we get something no one else has – even if it is just a parking space in the moment. 
   I would then ask, knowing that it is rare to get that special parking space on a busy day, how are we to take it when we are not provided that space.  You know; the majority of the time.  Are we supposed to assume that the Lord is not blessing us on all those occasions?  Are we supposed to assume that He wanted to bless the people in those spaces more than us on that day?  Should we feel the lesser for it? 
      I believe there are times when the Lord makes a way for us, just because He loves us and just because he wants to bless us.  I think that it is okay to thank Him for the space in front of the door and I think it is okay to feel blessed by it.  I think that it is better to give the Lord credit for every blessing, because all glory belongs to Him already. (1 Ch. 16:29; 29:11) However, I also think that we ought to remember to thank Him for the everyday things we have made common and now take for granted.  We ought to thank Him for the very breath we breathe, the homes we live in, the clothes on our backs, the feet and legs to carry us across the parking lot when we don’t get the space by the door.  I think that in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, we ought to be content knowing that He cares for us in every way (Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:6; 6:8).
   There are times that I have earnestly asked the Lord to provide a space near the door for me, because I have a knee that predicts weather in a very painful way.  A few times a year I find walking very difficult.  I usually find on those days that I end up parking farther away from the door than usual.  I also find that my attitude about that with Dad can be a little stinky.  I know He could provide me with that space by the door instead of that young couple who can physically walk the walk to the door across the parking lot.  So why doesn’t He?
   The reason that I have pain in my knee is due to a car accident.  Without going into much detail for the squeamish, let’s just say that it was a true miracle that the doctors were able to repair my leg at all.  They were not sure if I would keep it when they did the surgery and they were not sure that I would ever walk without a brace.  They were sure that I would never walk without a cane.  I was eighteen years old. 
   I remember people used to come from all over the four-story hospital to meet me – the miracle patient.  All people acknowledged the miraculous in my recovery.  More than twenty-five years later, I am still walking without assistance.  So, on those days that I am experiencing great pain and I have to walk across the parking lot, I have much to be thankful for.  In all reality, I could have need of the parking space right next to the door.  The handicapped spot!  So, the next time I find myself hobbling across the Fred Meyer parking lot in the pouring rain with indescribable knee pain, I will praise the Lord and give Him the glory due His Name.  I will thank him for a knee that I would not have without His healing touch.  I will thank him for the pain that I suffer a few times a year so that I can enjoy two knees, legs, and feet to carry me through the rest of it.  I will thank Him and praise Him for those things I have begun to take for granted, and I will appreciate them all the more.  He is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory regardless of my circumstances – and yours.  (1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 29:2; 96:8)
   The next time you find yourself in discomfort of any kind and you want to ask the Lord why He is not blessing you, take a look around.  Open your eyes of gratitude and begin to thank Him for all those things you have begun to take for granted.  Then take inventory and see whether or not, even in difficult circumstances, you begin to feel contentment in your circumstances. 
Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
(Psalm 103:1)

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