The New Normal

   Look and see. What I am about to do will blow your mind. What I am about to do will amaze and thrill you. What I am about to do will not be undone.

   There will be a new normal, but it will not be the new normal the enemy has planned. The new normal will set the captives free. The new normal will shed light and dispel darkness. The new normal will reveal truth and expose lies. The new normal will breathe life and not death into this world.

   Don’t hold on tight to what has been. I am answering your prayers. I am making the changes you have asked for. Let go of the desert lands for I am about to deliver you into promise. Fruitfulness lies ahead. Don’t look back, only move forward in My strength and in My guidance.

   Trust Me; lay your life down for Me and I will pick you up and restore you beyond what you can ask or imagine. Take My hand and walk with Me. I will set you free, freer than you have ever been.

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