When is Revelation Doctrine?

  One thing I feel I have learned through this pandemic is regarding revelation. When we pray and hear Holy Spirit guidance for our life why would we assume He is speaking through us to all of humanity? Why might we assume everyone needs to hear the exact same thing? Probably because that is most comfortable for us. Is it possibly time for us to come to a maturity of revelation which states God can say one thing to me and something completely different to someone else?

   Yes, the basic tenets remain, but we must be careful not to overestimate our personal revelation. What God has said to me is for me. Unless He clearly tells us to shout the revelation from the rooftops for all to hear and heed, should we not sit on the personal revelation and seek how He wants to use it in our lives?

   Let’s see, I could really push some buttons here, but why not? Let’s talk about vaccinations and face masks. I, like you, have heard strong, passionate arguments on both sides of these issues. Yes, I have my opinions, too, as do most of the people I know. Not all agree. I’m sure you are living a similar experience regardless of which side of the coin you find yourself on.

   I have seen Christian leaders give impassioned pleas for people to get vaccinated and wear face masks because it is the loving thing to do. While I have heard other respected leaders tell us to fight tooth and nail against them because it is our Christian duty. I have heard some say if you got vaccinated you can repent and God will forgive you.

   Here is what I want to say to you. Personal revelation is just that – personal. It is not given as doctrine to the Church and we need to discern the difference. What do I mean by this? I mean pray and seek the Lord for yourself. Hear Him for yourself and follow His directives for yourself. Not everything we hear from Him is meant for all of humanity. If He tells you to get vaccinated, He is not saying all must be vaccinated. If He tells you not to wear a mask, then He is speaking to you, not to all of Christendom.

   Not every revelation is doctrine, most revelation is personal. We cannot take our revelation and set mandates for all of mankind. We need to stop arguing over who is hearing God and who isn’t. It is time to consider releasing each other to hear God for ourselves – as long as the basic tenets remain intact. We must remember God is bigger than all of this.

   When God wants us to release doctrine to the world, He will make it clear. Until then, do what you hear God telling you to do and release others to do the same. “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18). When differing revelations bring division to the body of Christ, we are not treating our revelation well. Could I even go as far as to suggest we might be quenching the Holy Spirit when we use revelation to argue against our brothers and sisters in Christ? Aren’t they supposed to know us by our love for one another (John 13:35)?

   Paul speaks in Romans 14 about believers eating food sacrificed to idols. I see a parallel in his argument. He basically says don’t condemn one who feels convicted to not eat because to them it is sin. While he says do not flaunt your freedom if you know it is not sinning. He says, “Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves” (Romans 14:22). Unity is not uniformity. Our goal, brothers and sisters in Christ, is love. “Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart” (1 Peter 1:22).

Since it is the Christmas Season, let’s give each other the gift of release. I release you to hear from God whether it makes sense to me right now or not. Yes, with wisdom, if someone is hearing God say to do something blatantly against scripture, we know where it comes from. This is not what I am speaking about. What I am dealing with is needing everyone to hear what we are hearing. If we would all focus on walking with the Spirit for ourselves, pretty soon we will find ourselves walking in unity, side by side, hearing from God for ourselves, and living in a worldwide harvest movement for the kingdom.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

John 10:27

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