Serving Our Leaders

   Aside from Jesus, Paul is my favorite person in the Bible.  I am continually amazed by his tenacious service for the Lord.  Think of all the things he suffered and yet he never gave up.  Do you ever wonder why Paul kept going in the midst of all the hardships?  Was it just because he wanted to serve Jesus?  Or could it also be that he truly loved, with the love of the Lord, those the Lord gave him to minister to?

   As you read Paul’s letters you see over and over again his love for those whom he had been given charge of.  It is no different for those who have been called to minister to us.  Every person who is given a ministry to serve others loves them with the love of the Lord.  They also experience hardships because of the ministry.  However they, like Paul, continue to love and serve having learned to be content in all circumstances. This is why we ought to love and honor them, for they do suffer in order to minister to us.  Paul tells the Thessalonians “to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake,” (1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13).  I think Paul tells them, and us, this because he understands the sacrifice they make on our behalf. 
   Paul also says, “. . . they appointed themselves to ministry to the saints. See that you also submit to such ones,” (1 Corinthians 16:15, 16).  Why would he have to say this?  Could it be that people have a hard time submitting to leadership?  Church leaders are not to lord it over those they are called to serve.  They are not going to force us to submit, they are going to be patient, in Christ, waiting for us to read these verses and get it.  What are we to get; that we should not add to their burden, but lighted it esteeming each other more highly than ourselves.
   In the years I have walked with the Lord I have seen those who would disagree with the appointment of someone to a leadership position.  It is very difficult to submit to someone you think ought not to be in their position.  Yet the Bible tells us that it is the Lord who gives authority, (2 Corinthians 10:8).  People are not placed in positions of church authority because they are special or more important than anyone else.  Rather it is the best place for God to mold them into His likeness.  Just as you and I walk the walk the Lord has placed before us for the same purpose.  His entire intention is to save the lost and mold them and us into His likeness.  Hebrews 13:7, tells us to follow the faith of those who speak the Word of God to us.  Second Thessalonians 3:1 exhorts us to pray blessings on the ministry of church leaders so that the Word may go forth quickly and be received.  Are you praying for those God has placed over you?
   I think Hebrews 13:17 sums this up nicely, “Obey those who rule over you and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”  Remember what Paul suffered to minister and then submit yourself and pray for those God has placed in a position to minister to you.
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