Faded Promises and Future Glory

I have a special place set for my morning devotions. It is a wingback chair next to a table and lamp in my office. They sit so I can see out the window and watch the sunrise on Mary’s Peak. I so enjoy the beauty of creation as I meet with the Creator.

Today I struggled through some questions with Jesus. I asked Him the hard questions. The ones I will most likely not get an answer for until I meet Him in eternity. As I struggled through the questions on my mind and the sorrow in my heart, I kept noticing this cloud outside my window. I could only see the bottom of the cloud, but it kept drawing me to look at it. I finally walked to the window for a better view.

   We had our first autumn rain this morning; clouds dotted the sky. This cloud was darker than the rest. I kept looking at the cloud feeling like there must be something there. I was waiting for a picture in the cloud that would speak to my heart or a word from the Lord, but nothing. Then, I saw it.

   The faintest rainbow hung on the cloud. I could barely see it. I thought it was a pretty lame word, fading dreams – fading call – fading away? These did not seem like words from Jesus. He is usually much nicer than this, yet I had been asking Him some why questions. Now I was asking why this rainbow was faded.

   I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer, but I knew His rainbow was a sign of promise. He would not use it contrary to its created purpose. He made it for Noah as a promise to never flood the world again (Genesis 9:13-16). It seemed logical to assume the message was though I can’t see it now, the call and purposes remain. His promises are sure no matter how they look to me. He can and will do more than I can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

   As I considered this likely interpretation that the dreams and calling were still there, I looked back at the rainbow. It had brightened, not faded. It was so distinct after I received this revelation I could see each color band. It was like an exclamation point on the earlier revelation but also carried further revelation.

   The last few years have been hard on us all. Many of us have felt a fading away of hopes, dreams, and kingdom purposes. Yet the Lord is saying to us, hang on a little while longer. Though the promises have seemed to fade in the chaos of today’s world, don’t worry. They are returning to full power and purpose. Trust and know the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). His gifts and call are irrevocable and yes; He will do more than you can ask or imagine (Romans 11:9; Ephesians 3:20).

   It is time to dream again. It is time to ask and imagine great things for the kingdom. It is time to prepare for the restoration of those things God has placed in your heart and put on hold for such a time as this. Set yourself apart and prepare to see His glory manifest in and through your life in ways you have not even been able to ask or imagine. Ask Him to expand your mind and spirit to match the capacity of what is to come. Promises are beginning to be fulfilled. Be ready.

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

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