Let Freedom Ring

   My husband and I moved to Vancouver, Washington from Oregon in late 2016. One huge difference between Washington and Oregon is the caliber of fireworks you are allowed to purchase for personal use. While fireworks are not permitted in the city limits of Vancouver, we live just outside of the boundary. Our neighborhood sounds like a war zone every Independence Day.

   Our first few years we did not appreciate the noise which usually begins several days prior and lasts late into the early morning hours of the next day. Often the fourth lands on a work night and we have dogs. We also feel for those who suffer from PTSD during the noise and chaos that can consume the atmosphere.

   This year, 2020, was different. This year our Vancouver fireworks show was not canceled, but we were not allowed to go watch them. We had to watch it on television due to the social distancing measures in place right now. We hunkered down inside to watch a movie and the fireworks were getting so loud outside I went to inspect the scene.

   All we had to do was stand on our front porch or back stoop and every direction we looked we saw the best fireworks shows going up all around our neighborhood. It was spectacular. I was thrilled like I had not been since I was a child. I suddenly realized there was a shift in the atmosphere. I looked at my husband and said, “There is something prophetic here.” I just couldn’t quite get the message. I just kept hearing in my spirit, “Let Freedom Ring!”

   The next morning, I asked the Lord what the word was, what was it that was different about last night? This is what I penned:

   Let freedom ring. There was victory in the air last night. The spirits of Americans are reviving or have revived. We know who we are and we are better together.

   Our neighborhoods stood for something last night. We will take no more. The demonic principalities over control and taxation have awakened the American freedom spirit. The same spirit that led men to declare our independence in 1776 has resurged to lead us once again. (In my mind I was seeing the Boston Tea Party.)

   Men and women, Americans, will rise up to lead us to victory. They will be wise and cunning and they, like the revolutionary strategists, will fight this battle differently from what the enemy expects. We will change the rules of warfare and we will be victorious.

   Oh God, have your way in this nation. Raise up the strategists and the leaders we need for this hour. Thank you for changing the way we celebrate – for removing our traditions. Life is good in so many ways. Let freedom ring.

We have celebrated the victory.

Let freedom ring.

Let the sound wave of heaven

radiate throughout the land.

Set every captive free.

Defeat every power and principality

waging war against this nation

and against Your purposes in the earth.

The United States will return to its

former glory. She will once again

become a lighthouse nation.

Reignite that flame in her, I pray.

Let Freedom Ring!

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