Nehemiah’s Wall – House of Eliashib to the Prison Court


    These priests would be descendants of Levi and would have lived in the plain around Jerusalem. These would most likely be the officers of the temple and the singers who lived nearby for ease of access to the temple. Here we see they did not assume their positions elevated them above the hard work of repairing the wall of their beloved city. We also see their humility in simply working on a non-descript area of the wall. They merely lent their hands to the work which was right in front of them.


    Next to the priests, we find Benjamin and Hashub working simply where they lived. Benjamin means Son of the Right Hand and Hashub means Intelligent. This is all we know of these men. Sometimes our name and our work are all we will be known for, but this is good if it is to the glory of God. We do not work for our fame, but to lift high the name of Jesus. We might get a mention, but to Him belongs all the glory (2 Peter 3:18). May I just say, though, it is Intelligent to be at God’s right hand: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). Where else would you want to be?


   Next to Benjamin (Son of the Right Hand) and Hashub (Intelligent) worked Azariah son of Maaseiah, son of Ananiah. He also built along the wall by his own house. Here we have Jah Has Helped, son of Work of Jah, son of Jah Has Covered. Three generations displaying faith and reliance upon God’s faithfulness, goodness, and mercy.

   Azariah (Jah Has Helped) is another obscure name building along an obscure section of the wall. Yet, his contribution helped to complete the whole. Never discount the little things you do for the Lord when no one sees or acknowledges them. God sees (Matthew 6:4). Not only does God see the work you do in obedience to Him, He sees the bigger picture. You might only see a few bricks, but He sees the whole wall!


    Here we find Binnui son of Henadad building this last section of obscure wall from the house of Azariah (Jah has Helped) to the buttress. More specifically by translation here we have Built Up, son of Favor of Hadad repairing the wall up to the buttress where the King’s Court begins.

    His father carried the favor of his father and he was named Built Up. Imagine if we carried ourselves as though we had our Father’s favor and used that to build up our children. They, too, would be built up. Too often we carry the dysfunction of our childhood and/or our past poor decisions or those of others into our future relationships. Whether it be with friendships, in marriage, or raising our children, we unintentionally perpetuate a cycle that could stop with us.

    We can walk in generational curses or blessings. Either way our lives start it is our choice of how they will continue and how they will end. Did you know when you are in Christ you have the right and the authority to break generational curses off of your life (Ephesians 1:20-2:6)? It doesn’t matter if you were born under a generational curse or generational sin. You do not have to follow the path your earthly family set for you. You can stand up and claim your rightful inheritance in Christ and be restored to your destiny in Him. Simply, by knowing who you are in Christ, you can command the chains/bondage of generational sins/curses to be broken off of your life. Invite the Holy Spirit to come in and fill those places with the truth of who you truly are in Christ, then rejoice in the favor of God on your life. Then you will be built up knowing the favor of your heavenly Father more fully, more abundantly.


    Palal the son of Uzia had the honor of building this next section. His name means Judge and his father’s name means Strong. A couple of forceful names and appropriate for where he built. We see a son born of one named Strong being named Judge. The question arises, what kind of judge? One who is fair and impartial or one who was hard-nosed or worse yet, available for a price?

    We find Judge building on the tower of the King’s High Palace. This is considered to be David’s palace. The king was the judge in David’s time. Here we have a beautiful reminder of our King who is also our Judge. Let’s look at our next builder before we finish this thought.


    Next to Judge, we find Pedaiah son of Parosh working most likely at the wall at the Prison Court. Pedaiah means Jah Has Ransomed. His father’s name means Flea. What a strange transition. Yet, thinking of their history, being scattered among the nations and subject to the Babylonian then Persian empires, maybe his father named him Flea because that was how he felt amongst the larger nation. Remember how the spies who checked out the Promised Land for Moses and came back and said, “we were like grasshoppers in our own sight (Numbers 13:33)? How much more this man may have felt like a flea amongst such a great nation.

    These are just the odds God easily shows Himself able in. Here we have a man named Flea naming his son Jah Has Ransomed. He has seen the hope God has given. In his life, circumstances seem to have gone from insurmountable odds to God is able. What joy! Jah Has Ransomed!

    Here is where we want to tie together these two men working side by side building at the King’s Palace and the Prison Court. What an interesting scene. Here we have side by side those in prison and the ruler of the land, the very one who holds power over life and death, bondage and freedom. Then we also have two men working in this area, Palal (Judge) and Pedaiah (Jah Has Ransomed). Do you see where I’m going here?

    We, without, Jesus are in the prison court, we are no more than fleas. We are condemned and our lives are without value (John 3:18). We come before the Judge and we are found guilty without Christ, but God, the righteous Judge, though we are guilty of sin, sends His own Son to pay the penalty for us (2 Timothy 4:8; Romans 3:23; 1 Timothy 2:6). Jah has ransomed you and me through the very precious blood of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). He has opened the prison doors and set us free. Our Strong Judge has transformed us from Flea to Ransomed. We are made new in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). Can I hear a shout of praise?!

Click here for a map of Nehemiah’s Wall. We have been traveling around the wall for a few weeks. Subscribe below to ensure you do not miss a post. Click on the category ‘Nehemiah’ to find more posts. Comment below to share how the Lord is speaking to you through this journey.

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