Nehemiah’s Wall – Tombs of David to House of Eliashib


    Beyond the stairs, we find Nehemiah, son of Abuk, building and repairing the Tombs of David, the Man-Made Pool, and the House of the Mighty. No, this is not our Nehemiah for which this book is named. This Nehemiah was the ruler of half the district of Beth Zur (House of the Rock).

    Nehemiah’s name means Consolation of Jah or Jehovah Comforts. His father’s name, Abuk, means Strong Devastation or Stern Depopulator. I think we get the idea here. His father was named during a disparaging time. When we think back to the exile, Jerusalem and Judah were quickly depopulated. Yet, here, originally with Cyrus’ decree and then this rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem we see the consolation of Jah; we see God’s comfort in action (2 Chronicles 36:22, 23).

    Our builder here, Nehemiah, is the ruler of a district whose name means House of the Rock. Peter’s confession of faith was the rock upon which God would build His Church (Matthew 16:18). Jesus Christ is our firm foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11, 10:4; Hebrews 6:1). This man, Consolation of Jah, from House of the Rock was entrusted to repair and rebuild the Tombs of David and his earthly kings. Here laid to rest were David and all the kings who succeeded him to Hezekiah. The consolation of Jah is the knowledge that we do not serve an earthly king who remains entombed, but a Savior King who defeated death and the grave and rose again to life (Mark 16:6; Revelation 1:5)!

    Nehemiah (Consolation of Jah) did not stop at the Tombs of David. He continued to rebuild and repair the Man-Made Pool. Commentators seem to agree this was probably the pool made by Hezekiah during the siege by Sennacherib (2 Chronicles 32:4). This was life-sustaining water within the wall with a purpose – to get them through tough times. Hezekiah’s pool was within the walls of the city and was a life-sustaining source.

   There is a river of God that flows from the throne of God (Revelation 22:1). “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). You too, have a life-sustaining river flowing through you if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior King. Jesus said, “for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1:5).

    Finally, we see Nehemiah (Consolation of Jah) repairing the House of the Mighty. This title certainly brings to mind David’s mighty men (2 Samuel 23:8-39). This is most likely where these men and other soldiers were housed when on a watch or getting battle-ready. The consolation of Jah is His ability to make us all mighty warriors in Christ. Since we have received the Holy Spirit as believers, the weapons of our warfare have changed. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled” (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). We also have a change in our armor (Ephesians 6:10-18).


    Next to Nehemiah (Consolation of Jah), we find a string of names along the wall without mention of location. They are repairing between the House of the Mighty and the Ascent to the Armory. Here we find Levites, the descendants of Jacob and Leah’s son Levi, their third-born son. Leah named him Joined To because she believed this third son would surely join her husband to her (Genesis 29:34). His descendants went on to become the priests in Israel, mediating between God and man – joining them, if you will.

    The Levites (Joined To) served under Rehum, son of Bani. Rehum’s name means Compassionate and his father’s name means Built. Therefore, we have Consolation of Jah, Joined To, and Compassion building between the House of the Mighty and the Ascent to the Armory. If you are in Christ, I think you can see and feel the connection, Consolation of Jah Joined To Compassion builds an armory. We are never more secure than when we are found in (joined to) Christ (1 Corinthians 6:17, 19).


    Hashabiah falls in line behind Nehemiah (Comfort of Jah), the Levites (Joined To), and Rehum (Compassionate). His name means Jah Has Regarded. Keilah means citadel or fortress. A citadel is a city’s core fortress. As noted before, Jesus is our fortress and our safe place if we remain in Him (John 15:1-6). Even when we do not, He continues to be faithful to us (2 Timothy 2:13).


    Between Hashabiah (Jah Has Regarded) and the Ascent to the Armory, we find the brethren of those of Keilah working under Bavai, the ruler of the other half part of Keilah and son of Henadad. His name means My Goings and his father’s name means Favor of Hadad. Bavai could be of Persian origin.

    Jah has regarded our comings and our goings. He watches over us for our good. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth” (Psalms 121:1-2) “The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore” (Psalms 121:8).


    Working just beyond Bavai (My Goings) we find Ezer, son of Jeshua the leader in Mizpah working on the Ascent to the Armory and Buttress. Ezer’s name means Treasure. He is the son of Jeshua, which means He Will Save or Savior. He is the ruler of Mizpah or Watchtower. Jeshua is a name for Jesus. He is our strong tower, He did save – He is our Savior. We are His treasure and He is ours (2 Corinthians 4:7).

    The Ascent to the Armory at the Buttress was in a place where there would have been an angle in the wall. The name means at the turning of the wall. It would have been a defensible position as well as where weapons would have been stored. It is another prophetic picture for us. As we ascend in faith and trust in Jesus, we become clothed in protective armor (Ephesians 6:10-17). We also become equipped with weapons for warfare (2 Corinthians 10:3-4).


    Next to Ezer (Treasure) we find Eliashib or Blessed earnestly or carefully repairing the next section. He is the son of Zabbai or Pure. He is putting integrity into his work between the buttress and The House of Eliashib. Why is he Blessed? He is born of Purity and he works to the door of the house of Eliashib the High Priest.

    You see the progression. When we receive Jeshua, Jesus our Salvation, we are born anew in the Spirit into purity and this purity makes us blessed. When we live in our blessing, we put integrity and excellence into all the things we do for the Lord Jesus, our High Priest (Hebrews 7:22-28).


    Meremoth is our next builder. We have seen his name before. He was building just beyond the Fish Gate last time we saw him, now here he is building the high priest’s home. We won’t spend a lot of time on him since he has already been covered. We will simply review his, his father, and his grandfather’s names in this order: Heights, Flame of Jah, and Thorn.

    We see Meremoth (Heights), who was descended from Flame of Jah moved from the Fish Gate on the northwestern part of the wall to the high priest’s home on the southeastern side of the wall, but near the center. He has gone from hanging out with the fishermen to hanging out at the high priest’s place. I can’t help but think of Jesus telling Peter and Andrew if they would follow Him, He would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:18, 19). We, too, are called to be fishers of men. Once we were lost, but somehow, we heard of Jesus from one of His fishers. Once we are hooked on Him and hanging out in His presence, He calls us to also turn and be fishers of men (Matthew 28:18-20).

   By the way, the translation for House of Eliashib is God Will Restore. Jesus didn’t just leave Heaven, live a perfect life on earth, and die on the cross to save us from hell. He also rose again making the way to restore us to our intended destinies. We are not just freed from destruction, we are restored and equipped to do what He created us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

     Would you say you are a fisher of men (mankind)? What does your evangelism look like? What do you want it to look like? What do you feel in your heart Jesus is leading you toward doing to reach the lost? Will you take a moment to ask Him what He would have you do? Will you, by faith, commit your yes to Him right now? There is no better place than the center of God’s will for us. Let’s walk in it!


Click here for a map of Nehemiah’s Wall. We will continue to travel around the wall for the next few weeks. Subscribe below to ensure you do not miss a post. Click on the category ‘Nehemiah’ to find more posts on Nehemiah. Comment below to share how the Lord is speaking to you through this journey.

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